Dog shows are a great opportunity for breed enthusiasts to meet, compare dogs and learn more about their breed whilst enjoying some good natured competition.
Shows run under Kennel Club rules and regulations are organised by Breed Clubs, Group Societies or General Canine Societies. Breed Club Shows, such as held by the Southern Border Terrier Club, offer classes for a single breed. Group and General Canine Societies hold shows with classes for a variety of breeds.
Judging at Kennel Club regulated shows is based on the Kennel Club Breed Standard.
At each show there are a number of classes available to enter restricted by your dog's age or wins at previous shows. Entries for most must be made in advance, either on line or by post. Entry forms and schedules, which detail all the show information including venue, entry closing dates, classes available and class definitions/eligibility are available on line, at shows or by contacting the society.
Breed judges at these shows are often taken from one of the Judges Lists compiled by the Breed Clubs. At shows held by or supported by the Southern Border Terrier Club the judge will have been chosen from our Judges Lists.
More information about Dog Shows is available from the Kennel Club.
Championship Shows are the highest level of dog show in the UK with Challenge Certificates being awarded to the best dog and best bitch. To qualify as a Champion a dog must win three Challenge Certificates from three different judges. Championship Shows are open to all registered pedigree dogs but there is likely to be a high level of competition with shows attracting entries from the top dogs in the country.
Entries need to be made by the published closing date.
The Southern Border Terrier Club often holds a Championship Show in the middle of the year.
Open Shows are open to all registered pedigree dogs.
Entries need to be made by the published closing date.
The Southern Border Terrier Club holds two Open Shows each year.
Entries at Limited Shows are restricted to Members of the Club holding the show. Only registered pedigree dogs who have not won a Challenge Certificate are eligible to enter.
Entries need to be made by the published closing date.
Matches, often held inconjunction with a club's ring craft training classes or as a social event, offer a great introduction to showing for both dogs and owners. Entries will be taken at the event and the dogs are judged two at time on a knockout basis until the winner of Best In Match is declared. Challenge Certificate winning dogs are not eligible to compete at matches.
The Southern Border Terrier Club often holds matches at it's fun events such as the Christmas Party.
Often held in conjunction with charity events, Companion Shows are enjoyable for all the family and provide a good introduction to dog shows for dogs and owners.
Entries are made on the day, with classes for pedigree dogs and non-pedigree dogs.
Hunt Terrier Shows are organised by local hunt societies and make for a great day out. Dogs do not have to be Kennel Club registered
Entries are made on the day with the classes usually being judged by respected working terrier enthusiasts.
If you would like to start dog showing joining a breed club, such as the Southern Border Terrier Club, and going to one of their events is a great way to start. At Southern Border Terrier Club events the Officers, Committee and Members will be happy to meet you and introduce you to other members. They will be able to explain what is happening at the show/event and will be happy to give you information on how to get involved.
The Kennel Club has a wealth of information for those wishing to start Dog Showing.
There are many different competitive dog activities you can enjoy with your dog which like showing afford an opportunity to have a fun day out and meet like-minded dog enthusiasts. These include agility, fly ball, obedience, rally, The Kennel Club Good Citizens Award Scheme to name a few.