Southern, Midland and East Anglia Border Terrier Clubs'
Breed Standard and History of the Breed
Speakers: Miss Sally Leslie (Risdene) & Mr John Bainbridge (Risdene)
followed by
Multiple Choice Exam (MCE)
Online (Teams) from 9:45 am for 10:00am Start
Full Participation including MCE: £25 per person
Seminar/Presentation only: £15 per person
The seminar is open to all who wish to learn more about the breed. MCE, candidates must have attained minimum JEP level 1, please confirm your eligibility when booking.
To reserve your place please complete the
Payment by bank transfer to: National Westminster Bank plc, Leominster, Hereford.
Code No: 53-70-12. Account No: 07955545
Please add Reference: “BAD” followed by participant’s name
Refunds for non-attendance or late cancellation will not be made
Please note your place will not be guaranteed until payment has been received.
For any further information contact: Wendy Mooney (