Championship Show Saturday 18th September 2021
Judge : Sally Leslie (Risdene)
143 Dogs 158 Entries
Show Sponsor
Best in Show: Yorkpiece Fiery Lucifer (IMP CZE)
Reserve Best in Show: Otterbobs Dutchess
Best Opostite Sex in Show: Otterbobs Dutchess
Best Puppy in Show: Tarkaswell Highland Fling
Best Veteran in Show: Ch Smalesmouth Skylark
Dog CC: Yorkpiece Fiery Lucifer (IMP CZE)
Reserve Dog CC: Thistlestone Glenfiddich
Best Puppy Dog: Aclumlow Aramis
Bitch CC: Otterbobs Dutchess
Reserve Bitch CC: Ch Smalesmouth Skylark
Best Puppy Bitch: Tarkaswell Highland Fling
Thanks to Vicki Michelle & Our Dogs for the live streams on the day.