139 Dogs (12 NFC) 149 Entries
Judge: David Hunt (Ottaswell)
DCC, BOS & RBIS Awbrooksky Never Back Down Jw
RDCC: Yorkpiece Fiery Lucifer (IMP CZE)
BPIS & BPD: Tojamatt Nightwatchman
BVD: Clipstone Starshine
BIS & BCC: Wintergarden Bluestocking At Tythrop
RBCC: Howthwaite’s Resolution
BPB: Tojamatt Lacemaker
BVIS & BVB: Ch Cobstoneway Moon River At Clipstone
Minor Puppy Dog 5 Entries 1 Absent
1. Tojamatt Nightwatchman
2. Tulawyn Garretson By Onthill
3. Totherend Argus
4. Foxchapel Perfect Day With Foxcourt
Puppy Dog 7 Entries 2 Absent
1. Tojamatt Nightwatchman
2. Onhill Crazy River
3. Pipruda Dark Rum At Beckholm
4. Black Nightshade
5. Badgerbeck The Blagger
Junior Dog 3 Entries 0 Absent
1: Awbrooksky Never Back Down JW
2: Cobstoneway Stand By Me
3: Arunmere Midnight Cowboy
Yearling Dog 6 Entries 1 Absent
1 The Joker Let's Rock and Roll to Fevstone
2 Otterbobs Brimmer
3 Gwynfe Carreg Glas of Foxchapel
4 Arunmere Midnight Cowboy
5 Ankietaz One Two
Novice Dog 7 Entries 4 Absent
1: Ragatam Eros
2: Black Nightshade
3: Roxslade Romeo's Revenge
4: Badgerbeck The Blagger
5: Ankietaz One Two
Post Graduate Dog 6 Entries 4 Absent
1: Beaconpike Dionysus
2: Ragatam Eros
Mid Limit Dog 5 Entries 1 Absent
1: Glen Mara O Viedo at Kersfel (IMP FRA) Jw
2: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox (IMP USA)
3: Otterholme Ulysses
4: Botterox Chaos
Limit Dog 11 Entries 2 Absent
1: Barkanellie Black Adder
2: Mansergh History of Art
3: Mysulan Easy Rider
4: Reedwater Doc Holiday by Dasset
5: Mazengarb Little Jimmy
Open Dog 4 Entries 0 Absent
1: Ch Yorkpiece Fiery Lucifer (IMP CZE)
2: Ch Otterbobs Tolson
3: Ch Thistlestone Glenfiddich
4: Lessien Buckle N Boots
Veteran Dog 3 Entries 1 Absent
1: Clipstone Starshine
2: Bristoc Rock the Boat at Bluebabel
Minor Puppy Bitch 7 Entries 2 Absent
1: Tojamatt Lacemaker
2:Howthwaite Gaan Divilish
3: Foxchaple Cracklin Rose
4: Totherend Honeybee
5: Howthwaite Gertrude
Puppy Bitch 7 Entries 2 Absent
1: Tojamatt Lacemaker
2: Onthill Crystal Clear to Foxpaw
3: Thistlemead Scentsation
4: Ceilloch Griffin at Onziemehurst
5: Terrapaws Blue Belle
Junior Bitch 11 Entries 5 Absent
1: Benattivo Silver Flame
2: Liatch Madam Pommery
3: Thistlemead Sundance
4: Rockslade Russian Roulette
5: Mysulan Dizzy
Yearling Bith 4 Entries 1 Absent
1: Wintergarden Bluestocking At Tythrop
2: Oh Vienna Chesterton
3: Bluebababel Gypsy Heart
Novice Bitch 13 Entries 4 Absent
1: Onthill Amarettii Rock
2: Thistlemead Sundance
3: Onthill Crystal Clear to Foxpaw
4: Penarkwood Ciara
5: Howthwaite Gertrude
Post Graduate Bitch 11 Entries 5 Absent
1: Ebffuniau Bluebell Before Summer at Tojamatt TAF
2: Barkanellie Flashheart
3: Clydebeck Tanzanite
4: Digmoor Portabello Lil
5: Panarkwood Ciara
Mid Limit Bitch 11 Entries 1 Absent
1: Howthwaite's Resolution
2: Mansergh Paint the Dream
3: Gameway French Fancy Avec Orangebox
4: Tarkaswell High Fidellity
5: Orangebox A New Hope At Itaso
Limit Bitch 16 Entries 6 Absent
1: Tarkaswell Sea The Stars
2: Totherend Myrna Loy
3: Digmoor Solar Aquarius
4: Barkanellie Flashheart
5: Beaconpike River Sky
Open Bitch 5 Entries 4 Absent
1: Otterholme Underground
Veteran Bitch 7 Entries 1 Absent
1: Ch Cobstoneway Moon River At Clipstone
2: Totherend Tickety Blue
3: Argentail Titania By Onthill
4: Benattivo Good News For Baterhound
5: Marizon May Flower At Ankietaz
Churchdown Community Centre, Parton Road, Churchdown, Gloucester GL3 2JH
Show Opens 9.30am Judging Commences 10.00am.
All Enquiries to: Show Secretary/Manager Wendy Mooney, Rydes Hill Lodge, Aldershot Road, Guildford, Surrey GU3 3AG Tel: 01483 235299