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After having had to cancel their Centenary celebrations twice because of Covid 19, Border Terrier enthusiasts are now once again preparing to celebrate the centenary of the recognition of their breed by the Kennel Club in 1920.

The rescheduled event will take place next year on Bank Holiday weekend from 29th April to 2nd May, at the Border Union Showground in Kelso.

At a meeting of the organising Committee on Wednesday November 17th attended by representatives of all seven of the UK Border Terrier breed clubs, the decision was taken to get the four-day event back on track.

The celebrations will start with a barbecue on the Friday evening, followed by the Joint Clubs’ Championship show on the Saturday along with a celebration dinner. Sunday will see an agility display and fun competition, companion dog show, team competition, parade of champions and evening buffet, with an international conference on various aspects of the breed on the Bank Holiday Monday morning. At other times over the weekend, it is hoped to organise a visit from a local Foxhound pack, terrier racing, grooming displays and handling workshops.

Final details are now being worked on and booking forms for all of the events will be posted on-line during the month of January at Border Terriers 2020

Two important 2020 celebratory items are on sale now and will be while stocks last. The first is – a limited edition print of two Border Terriers by well known canine artist Keith Proctor.

The other is a book containing complete records of every UK Border Terrier Champion, CC winner and championship show in the hundred years between 1920 and 2019. Order forms for these are already available on-line at Border Terriers Merchandise 2020


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