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Joining the Southern Border Terrier Club is a great way to meet fellow enthusiasts who share your passion for Border Terriers. 


The club holds a number of events which you and your dog can attend.  Our events are the perfect place to meet other people who share a love of Border Terriers. Perhaps you are looking to learn about handling and showing, want to learn about grooming, are thinking about breeding from your Border or are a prospective Border owner. Our events are also a great place to get in touch with experienced breeders and exhibitors gain information about all aspects of the breed.


Each year the Southern Border Terrier Club holds four shows. An Open Show at the beginning of the year which is held along with the club's Annual General Meeting. Two Championship Shows are held in the summer one of which is held in partnership with Windsor Championship Dog Show. In the Autumn another Open Show is held. Each of the shows is a great opportunity to meet Border Owners, Breeders and their dogs. Spectators are welcome at all our shows and members of our committee will be happy to offer help and introduce you to our members.


One of the best reasons to join the Southern Border Terrier Club is our Yearbook. Each year all paid up members receive this interesting and informative publication which includes, articles, news, pictures and kennel reviews. The book includes reports from the previous Year’s Club events and items relating to a variety of aspects of Border Terrier ownership. 


The Southern Border Terrier Club welcomes membership applications from the United Kingdom and from Overseas.


The Club requires all new membership applications to be supported by a proposer and a seconder who have been members of the club for more than two years. If you wish to become a member of the club but do not have the necessary proposal, consider contacting the breeder of your Border Terrier or attend one of our events to meet our members. There will be officers and committee members at all events who will be happy to meet you and introduce you to other members. If you are still looking for a proposer contact our secretary who will able you further help.


Members of the Southern Border Terrier Club agree to abide by the Constitution and Rules of the Club and by the Club’s Code of Ethics. Both of these documents can be read on the Club page of this website.


Applications should be made on the Membership Application Form and be sent accompanied by the appropriate membership fee to the Club Secretary​


The easiest way to ensure you keep up with your subscriptions and remain a member is to complete the Bankers Order Form and instruct your bank to routinely pay your subscriptions each year.


Existing members wishing to renew their membership are asked to do so using the Renewal Form. Please also complete this form to inform the club if you have a change to your contact details.


The Southern Border Terrier Club understands the necessity to protect your personal information and respect your privacy. Please our GDPR Policy & Guidance for more information.


Members wishing to change consent granted at time of joining the club in regard to the retention and sharing of personal data held by the club may do so by completing the Change of Consent Form. 


Use the PayPal Button below for payment of subscriptions, year book kennel reviews or to make a donation.

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© Southern Border Terrier Club 2024

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